20 years an counting Its hard to believe. 20 years already. As I reflect back on those years and see how God has been at work, I’m in awe. We are in a building man said we couldn’t have, but God said we could. We are in a neighborhood that man said was a problem, but God said we’d be fine. We had no money, but God always made sure bills were paid. We’ve had people come and stay and come and go. As Pastor when people leave I’m told not to take it personally, but to be honest, I don’t know how not to take it personally. Each time, God reminds my heart who I serve and I leave the people in Gods hands praying that what ever they might be looking for they find it in Him. I’ve watch so many people grow in the Lord and it makes me smile, knowing that this world offers nothing that will last, but God gives us everything that matters and this congregation is so open, so honest and so loving that its an honor to be their Pastor. People have come over the years and have said they felt wanted, loved and that the people around them didn’t try to be anything but what they were. Broken people loving a healing God. Its been a long time since I’ve written anything here, but I do hope to be better at it in the coming months. It has always been my prayer that this church be active as much as possible. We have grief support groups, NA groups, CPR training, Womens and mens studies, Childrens church and more to come. If you are reading this, know its not by accident. If you are reading this and haven’t been to a church in a long time we welcome you to come join us. We are a small church loving a big God. We don’t pretend to be anything we’re not. We are Christians, not perfect, only forgiven. If you have any questions feel free to contact us, and if you have the time, come join us on Sundays at 10am and let the power of Gods love wash over you. Peace and Grace to all, Pastor Charlie
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Fathers Day
20 years an counting
It doesn't matter how often
Stop, Pray, Receive